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Ras Al Khaimah Chamber of Commerce completes linking with ICC

Ras Al Khaimah Chamber of Commerce has completed the requirements for the adoption of international standards in the issuance of certificates of origin through linking with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in the process of verifying the validity of certificates of origin issued by Ras Al Khaimah Chamber of Commerce, which gives the certificates of origin issued by the Chamber an international recognition and accreditation.

Dr. Ahmed Rashed Al Shemaili, Assistant Director-General of Commercial Service and Business Development Sector emphasized the importance of joining the WCF Certificate of Origins Accreditation Chain. This will contribute to giving the COs an international nature, proving transparency and interdependence in line with the international system, facilitating the entry of goods in the importing countries, and reducing unclear conditions and requirements that obstruct trade.

Dr. Al Shemaili pointed out that Ras Al Khaimah Chamber of Commerce is keen on enhancing its cooperation with all authorities, to contribute to business growth in general. He added that the international accreditation reflects the ambition of Ras Al Khaimah Chamber of Commerce members to expand their external business and activities. The linking process aims to facilitate the investors’ business so as fulfill their ambitions and aspiration for the increase of foreign trade, as well as enhance the position of the business community in the UAE and its international reputation in this field.

It is noted that the WCF Certificate of Origins Accreditation Chain helps chambers in their efforts in the GCC region and the world to ensure protection and promotion of the chambers’ role in COs issuance. The Chain assists the chambers in the COs verification and accreditation in case of customs inquiries and enables the joined chambers to access to search results, monitor COs forms and relevant documents, participate in the legal business meetings of the ICC and WCF held by the World Customs Organization, exchange experiences between chambers.

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