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UAE Shows Global Leadership in E-Government

The UAE is among the world’s top countries in using e-government services to drive economic competitiveness and citizen happiness, experts announced today ahead of the World Government Summit.

Already the UAE is making strong progress in its information management, ranking in the Top 30 in the world in e-government effectiveness, and the top in the Middle East and Africa in online service delivery, according to a recent report by the United Nations.

“At the World Government Summit, the UAE will show global best practices in using e-government services to become more efficient and more responsive to citizen demands. The UAE demonstrates how information management can cut costs, drive sustainable development, and enable happy engagement between citizens and government,” said Andrew Calthorpe, CEO at the future government consultancy Condo Protego.

Demonstrating the potential for the cost-saving measures of e-government services, Denmark, which has a similar GDP and population to the UAE, used e-invoicing to save about USD 215 million, the European Union said in a recent report.

“Transitioning from paper-based manual processes to a digital core with automated services requires long-term planning, along with scalable and secure infrastructure. Taking an outside-in approach to connected government is key, prioritizing simple and intuitive interfaces that any citizen can use,” added Andrew Calthorpe.

In the UAE, Condo Protego is seeing strong public sector demand for a wide range of government-focused nformation management solutions such as Dell-EMC unified storage, hybrid cloud, and security safeguards from RSA.

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